Fangwei Si



2015-2022, Postdoc, UC San Diego (Jun Lab) & Scripps Research (Racki Lab)

2009-2015, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins (Sun group)

2005-2009, B.S. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Peking University

Short Bio

My general interests in math, physics and biology led me to studying mechanics at Peking University as an undergrad and studying biomechanics at Johns Hopkins as a graduate student. At Johns Hopkins, I focused on the mechanics of cell division and growth supervised by Sean Sun. Then I became a postdoc in Suckjoon Jun’s lab at UCSD investigating bacterial physiology by doing quantitative experiments. Prior to joining CMU, I finished my second postdoc in Lisa Racki’s lab at Scripps Research exploring principles and mechanisms of cellular organizations using a pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as a human health-relevant example.
Outside of the lab, I am a soccer player having been part of the PKU Alumni soccer team in the US for nearly 10 years.