
9/6/24 - We welcome Patrick Xue to our lab for undergraduate research! Patrick will explore bacteria’s life in sub-optimal environments.

8/5/24 - Four of the Si lab members present their research as posters at the Bacteria and Phages Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. Go Team CMU!!

7/1/24 - Gabrielle received an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (PRFB) to support her research on microbial life in extreme conditions in the next three years. Congratulations!!

3/1/24 - Our rotation PhD student, Mo Zhou, decided to stay in our lab. Welcome, Mo!!

8/8/23 - Our lab recently received two major grants from NIH and NSF, respectively, which will fuel our scientific voyage in the next few years. Vamos!

6/2/23 - Chris passed his thesis proposal exam, now becoming a PhD candidate officially! Congrats!

1/6/23 - Gabrielle Illava, who is finishing her PhD at Nozomi Ando’s lab at Cornell, will join us for postdoctoral research this summer!

11/3/22 - We welcome our first PhD student, Chris Aldrich, from the Department of Biomedical Engineering to our lab!

11/3/22 - We welcome Jonas Roemer to our lab for the undergraduate research!

8/3/22 - Huijing Wang will soon join us from Pitt as the first postdoc in our lab. Huijing will explore fundamental properties of simple cellular systems using both experimental and computational tools. Welcome!!

5/22/22 - We welcome Rose Hudson from Penn State physics to our lab for her undergraduate summer research project! Rose is an awardee of 2022 CMU Physics AI SURP and will be co-advised by Shila Banerjee. Congratulations!

5/22/22 - We welcome our first two student members, Iman Jehanzeb and Lauryn McKenna to our lab for their undergraduate summer research projects! Iman is an awardee of 2022 CMU SURF and Lauryn is an awardee of 2022 NASA Summer Internship. Congratulations!

11/26/21 - We are looking for PhD students and postdocs to join us! Please check out the Join page for more details about the positions.

8/22/21 - The alpha version of the lab website is online!

6/12/21 - Fangwei will join the Physics Department at Carnegie Mellon as an Assistant Professor in June 2022, which means that our lab will open in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania within a year!